You require a servlet container such as tomcat or an application server supporting servlet api 2.3 (2.2 should work as well, but we may use features from 2.3 in future).
We have used tomcat version 5.5.7 for development and testing, although earlier versions should work as well. Note that if you use tomcat version 5.5.x, and you have java jre/sdk 1.4.x then you must also install the compatibility pack for tomcat. See the for details on tomcat version 5.5.x.
Mdc uses Exist-db for caching query results and also for storing user created resource lists in a repository. The Mdc configuration (mdc-config.xml in WEB-INF/classes) allows you to specify the location of the Exist-db server for both cache and repository. The distribution comes bundled with the Exist-db jars, so you can run the cache in the same web context as Mdc. The default configuration and the install ant build, are set up to have the cache in the Mdc web context, but the repository in a separate Exist context. The reason for this, is so that you have all the other Exist facilities available to examine or work with the repository. Also Mdc makes use of transformations which are done by Cocoon installed with the standard Exist-db installation.
The advantage of running Exist in the same context as the application is db related activity is most efficient as xml-rpc calls are handled internally and not passed through a "transport" mechanism such as http. The disadvantage is that you cannot administer the db using standard Exist tools as you could when Exist is installed in its own web context.
So, for the standard installation you need to install Exist-db in its own web context and Mdc in its own context, but Mdc will use a local Exist db for caching. See the installation notes below.
Mdc uses Jafer for its Z39.50 and other searches. Jafer comes as a zip file with the distribution rather than as a jar along with the other jars. The reason for this is that Jafer has a number of config files which may need to be changed as part of the federated search configuration, so Jafer files actually get installed to WEB-INF/classes in order to facilitate this process. Also note that some of the older tomcat versions had problems loading resource files from jars.
When a resource list is formatted or exported, this is done using XSLT transforms. Presently these transforms are done through Cocoon - in fact, the Cocoon that is bundled with Exist. The mdc-config file contains the base url to be used for invoking stylesheet transforms.
Note that one of the transforms generates a PDF resource list. This requires that Apache FOP is installed in Cocoon (see the installation notes below).
We have also integrated Citeproc with Mdc which allows resource lists to be formatted by the facilities provided by citeproc.
There are other dependencies but these are all provided as jars in WEB-INF/lib.
Obtain the Mdc distribution from SourceForge and unpack it to a local directory.
Read the readme.txt file in the citeproc directory of the Mdc distribution. This involves running an Ant task in the citeproc directory to copy the appropriate files to your Exist installation.