README Folders in this directory should have their own trunk/branches/tags under them. Please update this file when you create a new folder here. Folders here: build - Script and patches for making an Oxford build. bundles - A set of poms for a experiment in a maven based build. config - The Oxford sakai config files. code-quality - Configuration and settings for code quality checks. devolved - The Oxford devolved admin project. links - Quick hack at getting a Sakai tool for storing bookmarks/links. Not working, was just a test. local-skins - A set of skins for sakai specific to Oxford. null-portal - a copy and cleanup of a portal used by stella (VLE) to dispatch to a tool. Used when displaying sakai tools inside Bodington. oxford-build - More of the maven based build experiment oxford-master - The root POM for most Oxford stuff. root-webapp - Small root webapp which just does a redirect to /portal. tinymce - A POM which just re-wrapps a tinymce war ready for a sakai deploy. tomcat-additions - A tiny project to get the mysql connector included in the build. user-proxy - A proxy to allow bodington users to be found by the sakai user directory provider. Used when displaying a sakai tool in Bodington. weblearn - a copy of weblearn that was modified to run as a sakai tool.