~ Introduction ~ The quickstart war includes a database implementation (HSQLDB) which means that you do not need to separately configure an external database. It should be stressed that this mode of installation is only intended for an individual to install on their desktop machine for the purposes of evaluation. It will not scale particularly well or be able to support many simultaneous users. If you like what you see and intend on installing it for multi-user use, then we recommend following the instructions as per the standard installation. The quickstart install involves the following stages: * Install Java * Install a servlet container * Deploy the quickstart war ~ Install Java ~ You will need a full JDK (not a JRE) to run Bodington. You can download one from http://java.sun.com. Follow the instructions to install it. ~ Install a servlet container ~ There are many applications that comply with the servlet specification. This document describes using Jakarta Tomcat. You can download this from http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat. If you're using Windows, the easiest version to install is the windows executable, i.e. *.exe file. If using Linux, the file with the *.tar.gz extension is probably best. - Windows - Once you have downloaded the Tomcat executable, double-click on it and follow the instructions. Ensure you have the 'Service' option checked. Make a note of the port number that the server will run on and your chosen admin user name and password. You will need this in the next step. At the end, if you have the corresponding option checked (which it is by default) Tomcat will start when you click on finish. - Linux - Simply unpack the downloaded file to a suitable location. Where $CATALINA_HOME is where you unpacked Tomcat, you will need to edit the following file $CATALINA_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml. Create a username and password for yourself and give yourself the roles of admin and manager. You will need to ensure that you have set the environmental variables JAVA_HOME (where Java is) and CATALINA_HOME (where Tomcat is), e.g.: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.4.2 export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat-5.0.28 You can start Tomcat using something like the following: $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh ~ Deploy the quickstart war ~ Open a web browser and type http://localhost:[port number] into the address bar, where port number is the value from the previous step (this is 8080 by default). You should now see Tomcat's home page. In the box entitled 'Administration', click on the link 'Tomcat Manager' and enter your user name and password from the previous step. You should see a section with just one text field, entitled something like 'WAR file to deploy'. Click on the 'Browse...' button and navigate to the war file, e.g. bodington-quickstart.war. Click the 'Deploy' button. The deploy procedure will take a few seconds, but if all goes well you should see that Bodington has been added to the list of applications. For the row that pertains to Bodington, click on the link in the column entitled 'Path'. This takes you to Bodingtons index page. Click on the link 'The Bodington Site Servlet' which takes you the login page. You can now login with the username & password 'sysadmin'. ~ Known Issues ~ - Tomcat 5.5 - Much work has gone into Tomcat 5.5 to enable it to run with just a JRE. Bodington currently requires the tools.jar (containing the javac java compiler), from the JDK, as this is used to compile the templates. If Tomcat is running, stop it and then perform these steps according to your platform. * Windows: From the 'Start' menu choose Programs -> Apache Tomcat 5.5 -> Configure Tomcat. In the dialog that appears, select the 'Java' tab. Append ;\lib\tools.jar to the entry in the 'Java Classpath' box (so if you installed the JDK in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0 you would append the string ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0\tools.jar). Click on OK and you can restart Tomcat from another tab on the same dialog. * Linux: Open $CATALINA_HOME/conf/setclasspath.sh in a text editor and add $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to the CLASSPATH, e.g.: CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar