Access Control
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Access Control

Access Control for

Use the - buttons to remove groups, the + button to add groups and the * buttons to change the access rights for members of a group. Changes are immediate.

View Access

Note: if the option to apply the access control of the containing resource is selected the access control here is also applied. I.e. control is additive. In particular members of the owners group will retain manage access even if they are denied this access in the containing location.

Note: in addition to access rights set in the table above system policy rights also apply.

  • Users with administer access to the containing resource automatically have administer access to this resource.
  • Users with sysadmin access to the containing resource automatically have sysadmin access to this resource.
  • Users with administer access to this resource automatically have see, view and manage rights too.
  • Users with sysadmin access to this resource automatically have see, view and manage rights too and in addition can grant administer and sysadmin access to others.