Create Image Block
Manage Icon
Create a New Image Block
If checked everyone will be able to know that this resource exists (recommended), but won't be able to access it unless you grant or cascade them extra rights. This means the description will show up in resource menus and search results. This is done by granting the public group see rights to this resource, if you change your mind later you can remove this.
Show this resource.

Container Access
If you check this people who are allowed access to the containing location will also get access to the new resource. If this is acceptable it could mean that you do not need to edit the access control list for this resource.
Access controlled by containing location.

This is the short name of the new resource that will form the last part of its web address. It has to be unique to resources in this location and if you plan to move this resource the name must be unique in its planned location.
* lower case letters, numbers, or the underscore character, up to 12 characters long.

The title that can optionally be displayed above the image in lists of resources.

Display Title:
Tick this box to display the title above the image in resource lists.

A description/explanation of the image that can optionally be displayed below the image in lists of resources.

Display Description:
Tick this box to display the description below the image in resource lists.

Source URL:
Enter the URL that specifies the location of the image.

Brief description of image:
Text that describes the image in case it's not visible (inserted as 'alt' tag text).

(Optional) Link to URL:
Enter a URL here if you'd like the image to act as a clickable link.

(Optional) Image dimensions:
Image height:

Image width:
Specify the image height and width in the display.

Relevant keywords can be entered here, which will be used by the search tool to locate this resource. (Use a comma to separate keywords)

You don't have create level access here.