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Upload ZIP Archive
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  • Prepare a ZIP archive using a tool such as WinZip. (Be certain to store information on sub folder names in the archive if you have used sub folders in your web material.)
  • If the ZIP file has full folder names stored in it enter the name of the working folder/directory in the form below. When the ZIP archive is unpacked this will be stripped from the start of each full file name so the correct structure of sub folders can be created. If you leave this blank the working folder will be assumed to be the deepest folder that contains all the files in the archive.
  • Press the browse button above.
  • In the dialog box that appears use the "Files of Type" control to view all files.
  • Select the ZIP file you want to upload and then press the OK button.
  • On this page select the "Upload" button.
  • If you see an error message seek help.



It is your personal responsibility to verify that you have permission from the copyright holder to upload the file(s) to this web site. Text graphics and other media files may all be subject to copyright control. The system administrator(s) of this web site accepts no liability for any breach of copyright you commit but reserves the right to delete files which it suspects might breach copyright law.


It is your personal responsibility to verify that the file you intend to upload does not contain a virus. OUCS will make efforts to detect and delete infected files but will accept no liability for the consequences to users of viruses that escape detection.

Offensive Material

College regulations on use of the Internet apply equally to the use of this site to publish material. Authors should make proper use of access control where material is essential to study for some students but may be offensive to others (for example, some images for use by human biology students may fall into this category).

File and Folder Names

This document works a little like a directory on a conventional web server and can contain a number of HTML and media files. There are restrictions on the naming of files and folders in this facility. Names may only contain alphabetic, numeric, underscore and hyphen characters. One dot character is allowed in file names but no dots are allowed in folder names. File and folder names can be no longer than 48 characters. You can only have one level of sub folder. When users access this document the system will immediately deliver a file called "index.html" if you have uploaded one. An error message will be displayed if there isn't a file of that name in the web document.

You don't have upload access rights, which are required to manage files here.