Import Questions

Upload an IMS QTI File for Import

This page is used to transfer a file containing questions in IMS QTI format from the local file system of your computer to the server where the questions will be unpacked and added to this MCQ paper. Please read all the instructions and warnings below before you use this page to upload a file for the first time.

(File size limit = )


  • Make certain that the file you want to upload is not open in another window.
  • Press the browse button.
  • In the dialog box that appears use the appropriate control to view files of all types.
  • Use the dialog box to select the file you want to upload and then press the OK button. (The file name should appear in the box next to the Browse button on this page.)
  • Select the "Send Now" button.
  • If you see an error message seek help.


  • The IMS project has defined a file format, based on XML that can be used to transfer the type of questions commonly delivered by computer aided assessment (CAA) software. This interoperability standard is referred to as IMS QTI (Question and Test Interoperability).
  • When you use the import command here The questions in the import file will be appended to the questions that are already in this MCQ paper.
  • The IMS QTI format is capable of describing a very wide range of different question types but there is no requirement for all CAA software to support all permutations of question type. When you import here five statement MCQ or MRQ questions are expected.
  • If an imported question has more than five options the excess options will be removed. If it has less than five, then extra blank statements will be added to make five.
  • If the file includes questions other than MCQ or MRQ they will be imported but will result in stem text with five blank options.
  • IMS QTI files can contain very complex marking schemes for each question but these are not implemented in the Bodington System, which powers @Bodington@. The marking scheme will be analysed to determine which statements are true and which are false but the standard Bodington System marking scheme will be applied.
  • Attributes in the QTI file for fine tuning the appearance of the question will be ignored.
  • The FLDU at Leeds University intends to introduce more functionality to the Bodington System so that more features of IMS QTI files are supported in the future.
  • You can obtain IMS QTI files from a variety of sources;
    1. By exporting from another Bodington System MCQ paper. (In which case the format of the questions will be perfectly preserved in the transfer.) This would allow you to create a duplicate of an existing paper and then modify it.
    2. From QuestionMark. The company that produced QuestionMark were contributers to the QTI file format and have naturally implemented export in this format in their product. Please be aware that only five statement MCQ or MRQ questions can be trasnferred here and that the marking scheme may change when they are delivered here.
    3. "Hand crafting". The specification is plain text with tags that resemble HTML. It is possible for the intiated to edit these files by hand. Care must be taken because it is possible to render the file unusable by breaking the file format rules.
  • The IMS QTI specification makes no provision for the exchange of students' responses to the questions. It is therefore not possible to use this mechanism to archive or transfer students' responses or marks.

You don't have upload level access here so you can't import questions by uploading a file.