MCQ Class Information


Include students only.
Ignore blank attempts.
Include first attempts only.
Match Only These Student IDs:
(See notes below.)

Ignore attempts before this date.
Ignore attempts after this date.


No individual results.
Basic info in a table.
Basic info in a format for export.
More detailed info in a table.
More detailed info for export.


Basic statistics on test results.
Include question analysis.
Include question and item analysis. Custom correlation (see below).


The edit box in the form allows you to filter results for specific students and also allows you to correlate performance on this test against some other assessement. There are rules about the format of the text you enter;

The format is intended to make it easy to copy from a spreadsheet and paste into the form.

If you ask for custom correlation you will get an extra table correlating test performance to the figures you provide and the usual correlation tables for individual questions and items will correlate against the figures you provide instead of against the overall mark on the test.