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There are five different types of question that might appear on a test paper each with different types of button to enter your responses and with different marking schemes.
This type of question has five options each with a radio button. Radio buttons look like this: and when selected like this: There is am 'undecided' radio button which you can use to remind yourself to return to a question that you have skipped over. These questions offer one mark which you are awarded if you select the one true statement. No marks are deducted for selecting one of the four false statements so you should always attempt every question.
This type of question has five options each with a checkbox. Checkboxes look like this: and when selected: There is an 'undecided' check box which you can use to remind yourself to return to a question that you have skipped over. There is at least one true statement but there could be any number up to all five. You gain one mark for selecting a true statement but you loose one mark for selecting a false statement. However, marks are rounded up to make sure you can never score less than zero. You should only make selections if you are condfident that the statements are true but don't be put off by the deduction of marks because the worse you can do on the question is score zero.
This type of question has five options. You must identify the false statements as well as the true ones using a control like this: Undecided True False There is an 'undecided' option which you can use to remind yourself to return to a statement that you have skipped over. There are five marka available and you gain one mark for correctly identifing a statement as true or false. No marks are deducted for incorrect responses so you should attempt every statement in every question.
This type of question appears the same as the normal multiple true false type but the marking is stricter and simpler. You get five marks if you correctly identify all the true and false statements and you score zero in all other circumstances. Guessing these questions doesn't do any harm but you are unlikely to gain any marks by guessing.
This type of question has five options. You must identify the false statements as well as the true ones using a control like this: Undecided Don't Know True False There is an 'undecided' option which you can use to remind yourself to return to a statement that you have skipped over. There are five marks available and you gain one mark for correctly identifing a statement as true or false. You lose one mark for each statement you incorrectly identify. You should not use guesswork on this type of question so select the don't know option unless you are confident about the statement.