Modify MCQ Options
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Modify MCQ Options
One Attempt Only: If checked students will only be allowed to attempt the test once. You should be aware that it is not possible to prevent students seeing the test before they attempt it because one student can print the test paper and pass it to others.
Mark Witheld: If checked students will not be given their mark when they complete the MCQ test - only on the debrief page when/if they are are allowed review access. This does not prevent students from collaborating or using reference material but does make plagiarism slightly more difficult.
Deadline: Leave this blank if you want students to be able to attempt the test at any time. If you provide a date here use the format date/month/year. Please use all four digits of the year. Before the deadline students will be able to attempt the test but will not be able to obtain detailed feedback. After the deadine they cannot complete the test but they can obtain feedback (including the right answers).

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