Modify Resource
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Modify this Resource
This is the short name of the resource that will form the last part of its web address. It has to be unique among the set of resources in this location.
* lower case letters, numbers, or the underscore character, up to 12 characters long.

The title that appears at the top of pages for this resource and in navigation text that links to it.

The description appears in the list of resources for users who have "see" access in that location.

Introduction (or filename of HTML page to display)
If you want the opening page of your web document to be an automatically generated list of files you can use this text box to enter an introductory block of text for that page. Alternatively enter the name of the file that you wish to be displayed first when users enter your web document. (You will have to upload a file with that name.)

Relevant keywords can be entered here, which will be used by the search tool to locate this resource. (Use a comma to separate keywords)