User data should be prepared off line and
pasted into the form. Data should be TAB delimited text with the following columns.
Row one should contain the column headings, also TAB delimited. The order of the columns
it not important.
Obligatory Columns
- name
The name of the new user as it should appear on web pages. Can include title.
Can give first initial or first name or preferred name of user. Will normally
include surname.
- surname
Surname for the purposes of sorting lists of users. (For some overseas
students surname may not be the last name.)
- initials
Please include all initials, including the surname initial using upper case letters and exluding any
spaces or punctuation symbols.
- alias
The value of the selected unique identifier for this person, e.g. payroll
number, course enrolment number etc.
Optional Columns
- username
The user name must begin with a text string that matches the prefix for the
administrative zone. If you don't include this column user names are
generated automatically using the initials.
- password
If you don't include a password a random password is generated.
Other Columns
You may include other columns in the data and these will simply be echoed
back in the output table. This may be convenient for creating a mail
merge data file that will help you inform users of their user names and